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  4. Well, my application was denied, but I expected this.  With the sheer number of applicants, statistically, it wasn't going to happen.  

    But that's ok.  I'll try again next time

  5. Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!!!!!!!🎆 

  6. Just set up Facebook so they can verify. if need be

  7. I was curious as to why my Application was denied i would appreciate it if i could be informed as to what I could possibly do to correct a mistake, if one was made, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this.

  8. still waiting and hoping! 🙏🏽

  9. I check my application status usually once a month, how about everyone else? Just curious. 

  10. Got a question. How much storage space does GTA 5 + Five M take up total?

    1. Immortal Egg

      Immortal Egg

      If i was considering joining the server, i would need to know how much space i have to free up. Limited Storage ATM (<20 GB)

    2. Neo


      GTA itself is ~100gb, invest in a cheap 500gb SSD?

    3. Immortal Egg

      Immortal Egg

      @Neo I've only got 236 GB Total. Little exhausted atm to clear up space.

  11. Just wanted to let the one's reviewing the apps know, that I'm still here. 

    Hoping to get in at some point. You guys are amazing, keep up the good work. 

    1. buddyluv


      agreed stretcher  lets hope they stretch it out while they work! lol

    2. RectalStretcher


      Lol, I made this name when I was like 15 and I've had it ever since. It came from a joke, I will elaborate. 


      A guy was out on a back road driving his new Lamborghini. He was getting on it more than he should, when he went under an overpass. As he came out, he blew past a cop parked on the other side. Obviously he proceeds to pull him over. The cop approaches the window and asks the guy, where the hell he's going that he has to drive so fast. The guy says, "I'm on my way to work". The cop  then asks, "where is it you work that's so important you must drive 150mph to get there"?  The guy replies, "I'm a rectal stretcher"! The cop then asks, "what the fuck is a rectal stretcher"?  The man proceeds to explain, " when I get to work each day there is a fresh asshole waiting on me. So I go to work on it. I start by getting a finger in it, then two, then three, until I get my whole hand in there. Then I have to start working my 2nd hand in there. Once I have both hands in, I can really start to work it. I will keep stretching, and working until it's about 6 foot." The cop, perplexed, asks, " what the fuck do you do with a 6 foot asshole"? The man responds, " I give him a radar gun, and stick him behind an overpass"! 

  12. Still looking to get into OCRP! Cmon bois! lol

  13. If i may ask, are applications still being processed? I've been patient the last 13 months and was curious if there's any updates.

    1. Baggzy


      I believe they are. I think they got like 4000+ and a small group of people reviewing so it'll be a bit still.

  14. If your here snooping, at least say hello

  15. Hope everyone is having a good day

  16. Y'all keep me so entertained, I'd love to be a part of this community

  17. I don't know if here's the right place but I've seen I'm now at the interview stage. How long do I have to do this interview? I'm currently away with work but don't want to miss out! Is another week ok? Thank you 



    We are patient although the application process from 03/20/2023 still hasn't concluded. We've waited for a year, and now counting pass a year... they say it's for kraft but all I can say is "KIFFLOM" and pray they finally get through to me... KIFFLOM



    Kifflom - Kraft.jpg

    1. buddyluv


      listen to the trees brother...!

  19. My first year here!  So.  Life update.   With 8 payments left on my truck, my truck decided it had enough, and decided to drop all compression in cylinder's 2 and 3. (Ram 1500 with the 5.7 hemi).  Further inspection revealed metal in the oil filter, valve covers were pulled and the valve train was inspected, nothing there, most likely culprit.... The camshaft.  So was forced to get try to trade it in.  Lucked out and scored a Jeep Gladiator Rubicon.  Have to say, out of all the vehicles I've owned over my 20 years of driving, this is one of my favoites!



    1. Hoopty Handler

      Hoopty Handler

      I hope this one gives you less headache! Live it up! 

  20. Hope everyone is having a good day!

  21. Update: Almost finished with my instrument rating. Check ride in April! Wish me luck!

    -Alex (aka Boochacha)

    1. Pilot Alex 277

      Pilot Alex 277

      Passed my Instrument Checkride!

  22. so did my application get skimmed over and skipped.

  23. Lovely day for it, folks!

    'Names Makeineer, and I'm the sort of gentleman to be found 'round town as a retail, utilities, or operations civ- 'The local taximan, PostOp driver, 24/7 cashier, and the likes. I may be no-good at vocal inflections or generally representing tasteful characters, but I'm sure to give you a place to start a memorable night on OCRP...
    ...that is, if I'm put past the applicant phase, which appears to be floaty as-of January 2024.


  24. Anyone play Forza Horizon 5?  Devs for that game really dropped the ball with the latest Aston they added.  the 2008 DBS.  One of my favorite Astons, but instead of at least giving it the sound of any other aston in the game, they made it sound like a mustang XD

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