Immortal Egg

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About Immortal Egg

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  1. Got a question. How much storage space does GTA 5 + Five M take up total?

    1. Immortal Egg

      Immortal Egg

      If i was considering joining the server, i would need to know how much space i have to free up. Limited Storage ATM (<20 GB)

    2. Neo


      GTA itself is ~100gb, invest in a cheap 500gb SSD?

    3. Immortal Egg

      Immortal Egg

      @Neo I've only got 236 GB Total. Little exhausted atm to clear up space.

  2. If i may ask, are applications still being processed? I've been patient the last 13 months and was curious if there's any updates.

    1. Baggzy


      I believe they are. I think they got like 4000+ and a small group of people reviewing so it'll be a bit still.

  3. Hello everybody. Happy first day of spring.

    1. ZAM90


      Same to you!